
Search: efficient and competent

  • We conduct patent and literature searches in close contact with our customers.
  • All technical questions are clarified with you before and during the research. Continual close consultation focuses the research to the customer’s needs and reduces research costs.
  • Information you provide is highly sensitive to your business.
  • We are dedicated to the confidentiality of classified information and have designed our work processes to ensure the greatest possible security. We honor confidentiality agreements for more sensitive concerns.
  • Our longtime experience and expertise in the use of a variety of databases and search tools guarantees an effective search strategy, even for highly complex topics.
  • For quality control, we utilize co-editing by a second information scientist in order to avoid mistakes and losses.
  • We normally use commercial databases such as STN, Patbase, or Questel. If necessary, especially in literature research, we may also use Internet sources.

Results: analysed and rated / evaluated

  • Good searches always involve false drops. Restricting a search that far that no more false drops appear, might result in loss of some important answers.
  • We attach great importance to a subject-related analysis of the answers in order to provide you only with the relevant answers. You will not receive any false drops from us. Furthermore, the answers are sorted according to their relevance and / or according to technical aspects.
  • Results are usually presented in tabular listings with bibliographic data, excerpts, and links to original documents.
  • We deliver detailed search reports describing the subject, the search strategy, the textual environments, analytical comments, the databases used, and completeness evaluation.
  • Upon request we conduct additional technical or statistical analysis of search results (for example, by competitor companies or year of publication). We can also analyze which ingredients, processes or applications are used in a particular technology area. These can be displayed in a variety of tabular or graphic formats. It is also possible to create a personal database tailored to your needs.
  • Patent and literature search results and reports can be delivered in printed or electronic form.