Dr. Martina Lorey-Radler

Dr. Martina Lorey-Radler has 20 years extensive experience in complex patent and literature research in chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, medicine, agricultural-sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry.

  • PhD, organic chemistry – University of Würzburg, 1999
  • Information scientist, Aventis Research & Technologies (successor to the Scientific Information Department of Hoechst AG)
  • Principal partner, CPRS

She is highly specialized in all areas of chemical structure and reaction searches, including the hierarchical thinking of exact and generic database structures in REGISTRY, CAPLUS, MARPAT, CASREACT, REAXYS, DCR, WPINDEX, MMS, WPIM, PHARM. She is also an expert in complex keyword searches in the databases of hosts STN, Patbase and Orbit.

Her focus is on complex Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) searches, opposition searches or infringement searches. Furthermore, Dr. Lorey-Radler has special knowledge in legal status of patents and its research in various databases, such as INPADOC or national databases.


Telefon: +49 6441 5674 534
Mobil: +49 176 8123 4053


Since May 2019 QPIP certified
(Qualified Patent Information Professional)