Patent Search & Patent Knowledge
Patents safeguard technological progress and are of enormous economic importance. Not only do they provide protection, they also represent an important source of technical knowledge. 80 to 90% of published knowledge is documented in patents. We help you identify this source of knowledge for the development, protection and commercialization of Intellectual Property.
Time is money. The team of CPRS knows, where and how to find all relevant information. We are scientific experts, who know the important relevant databases and their use and handling. We provide results and analysis reports formatted to your specific needs.
Our searches are comprehensive, reliable and fast. We provide information, so you can focus on developing successful products, creating and commercializing intellectual property.
Confidentiality – Trust
The confidentiality of your work and information is important to us. This is an area in which we pay highest attention. Direct contact and constant feedback with your researcher throughout the project allow us to monitor and manage important sensitive information.
No matter where the relevant information is to be found, whether in patents, journal articles, conference reports, domestically or abroad, we research comprehensively for you in global databases.
Non-Patent Literature
In addition to patents, non-patent literature plays an increasingly important role in the patent system. The search for non-patent literature is completely different from the patent search. Other databases are needed, and there are often no full texts freely available. The technical literature is dominated by large publishers who often insist on expensive copyright fees for their articles. In these cases, we work with indexed databases to make the best possible use of the available information.