What do YOU need?

Was benötigen Sie

Do you have a complex question, or do you need an extensive patent and / or literature search for a patent application, an important project or the entry into a new domain?

Our patent searches, literature searches and analysis provide you a solid basis for evaluating the competitive patent situation of your products and manufacturing processes. In licensing negotiations our services are offering you a solid basis for brainstorming, identification of “patent gaps” or new markets.

Our monitoring searches take over the continuous monitoring of important work areas, competitors or patents for your company.

Legal status information helps to make the patent situation transparent.

We carry out the searches step by step and in close contact with you, so you always retain control over the process. Misunderstandings and unnecessary effort are avoided.

We focus on to subject-related and value-added analysis of the search results. We prepare the results and sort them so that you can immediately see the most important answers and passages.

Our detailed search reports include search strategies, databases searched, relevant results in tabular form, and bibliographic references.